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Walsall Wood.

September 2008-March 2010. Design and Fabrication of the Walsall Wood Sculpture Trail.      


 A commission involving the building of a life sized pit head (currently the largest mining monument in the world) and over 30 life sized figures in the High St, all of which were local people. The artwork involved thousands of local residents over the year and a half in which it was being made. Over 150 hours of community interaction and workshops went into the design of the piece which has since been used as an example of excellent community engagement and delivery of high quality artwork. 

His community art work was expertly done and he talked directly to literally hundreds of people at workshops, in schools and at people's homes. He practically lived in Walsall Wood during the research process. He really was the people's artist. Luke has done much more than create some sculptures for a town on the edge of the Black Country. He has created a new heart for the area and a heart that will endure for many years to come. 

Glen Buglass Manager Creative Development Team Walsall Council

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